Managing Contracts

Contracts are legal binding documents that can safeguard a business, or create issues if things go wrong.� Learn about how contracts are structured, when they are used, and what you need to know as a small business operator.
Tendering and contracts

Marketing Plan Fundamentals - Peel

Find out what's involved in creating a marketing plan, what's included and how it can help you succeed.
Sales and marketing

How to Write a Business Plan

A business plan is a valuable document that helps you clarify your thinking, set a direction for your business and gain a deeper understanding of your market.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Scale your Business with Digital Tools

Did you know digital tools can help scale your business and boost your revenue? This interactive workshop will teach you how to automate tasks, streamline workflows and make better decisions.
Business skills

Starting a Business

If you are thinking about starting a business, but don't know where to begin, this free two hour workshop will take you through the essentials.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Growing your Creative Business

Discover how to diversify and build growth in your creative business through research and planning to identify trends and opportunities you can capitalise on.
Business skills

Understanding Business Financials

If you're new to business, this workshop will show you how to develop 'snapshot' measures (key performance indicators) of your business so you can make sure it stays on track financially.
Financial management
Foundation workshop

Applying for Grants

Learn where to find grant opportunities and how to prepare a successful application.
Financial management

Becoming an NDIS Provider

This workshop will teach you how to start a business as a NDIS provider, from getting registered to navigating compliance requirements and the rigorous auditing process.
Business skills

Build a High Converting WordPress Website

Discover the conversion secrets to build a website that helps you find customers.
Sales and marketing